Purchase this collection of Danny Goldsmith's published works.
A $256 value for only $170.
7 Projects.
Over 11 hours of material!
“We have waited a long, long time for someone like Danny Goldsmith to come along to show us what real magic is. To witness his magic is to witness a virtuoso.”
- Lloyd Barnes
(World-renowned creator and consultant for the biggest names in Magic)

What you'll get:

Mythos is a deep dive into the creativity, psychology and essence of Magic.
$39 Value
Video stream or download
Duration: 149 min
Size: 2.4 GB
This is Danny's greatest work yet, his magnum opus!
If you want to:
Create interesting presentations that truly captivate your audience
Deeply understand the psychological principles that invoke wonder
And uncover your own unique creativity to bring about your most powerful magic
...Then this is for you. Read on...
Here’s what you’ll get with Mythos:
3 mind-blowing talks
4 stunning routines...
…and a BUNCH of bonus material!
1. The Talks
A Magical Mythos
In this talk Danny discusses the current issues that have slipped into the ‘mythos’ of the community and how these views impact our creativity and our audience.
Danny will then offer you a new mythos that, if practiced, will deepen your relationship to this art form and put you on the road to true mastery.
The Psychology of wonder
In this talk we will explore the mind of the spectator AND the inner workings of the psyche in relationship to the felt experience of wonder.
We will discuss the skills that lead to impactful performances that gift our audience with an experience they will never forget.
The Science of Creativity
In this talk we will get into the neuroscience of creativity and why it is that magicians tend to get trapped in recreating the same concepts.
We will then discuss how to free our creativity so that we can invent entirely new and unique pieces of magic.

"I imagine this is exactly what It would have been like to watch Leonardo Da Vinci talk about art. The passion and mastery Danny exhibits towards magic is breath-taking. Every moment meticulously engineered both in theory and choreography and the result is THE best coin magic masterclass I have ever seen. 10/10! "
(named Mentalist of the Year with performances on NBC’s TODAY Show, TMZ, ET, Rachael Ray, Discovery and FOX’s Showtime at the Apollo!)
2. The Routines
Everything in this project is pure sleight of hand.
That means : NO GIMMICKS!!!
Three impossibly clean productions. This is how it would look if you could actually pull money from thin air. All performed to a magical story that blurs the line between fiction and reality.

Magic has run rampant as two coins switch places and switch back so cleanly that you would swear it was gimmicked (it's not).
"Well there must be an extra coin then!?"
Nope :D

A magnetic coins routine with some mind-blowing NEW moves all set to a clever presentation that makes this performance so much more magical for the spectator.

Through time
A super visual 3 phase time travel routine that will not only take your coin back in time

"Love it...Great Project. Goldsmith shows you all the potential hidden within a core concept. makes one wonder how many moments of magic are being overlooked with the skills you already have. Inspirational."
-Garrett Thomas
(A true Master of the craft, consultant for David Blaine, awarded the highest prize on Penn& Teller FoolUs)

3. So Much Bonus Material!!!
Not only will you learn a visual production and a mind-blowing ring vanish that I'm sure will go straight into your repertoire…
...but you will also learn one of Danny's FAVORITE CREATIONS:
The Finger Fling
The finger fling is:
An improvement on the finger tip muscle pass, this impromptu anti-gravity effect is no longer limited to a coin. (you can do this with playing cards, credit cards, rocks, rings etc.)
Invisible to the spectator (even magicians will SWEAR this is a gimmick…)
A super power that you'll always have with you.
(Danny has spent the last few years studying the hands of his students so that he can teach you the nuances of mastering this move.
He even managed to teach a 12 year old this move in less than 5 minutes.)

"I buy everything Danny releases, because of his talent and his insight. And this is easily his most ambitious project. I’m thrilled that he took the time to make this."
-Jeremy Griffith
(One of the most knowledgable and proficient Card Mechanics in the world)

Learn the psychology of wonder and the neuroscience of creativity to take your presentations to the next level with Mythos!

Three impossibly visual vanishes and the neuroscience that causes someone to see an object in your hand when it's not actually there.
$14 Value
Video stream or download
Duration: 57 min
Size: 1 GB
What You'll Learn:
Flip Flop Vanish
A casual toss vanish that truly looks like the coin is being thrown into your hand. You'll learn two variations of this visually deceptive move. The technique is surprisingly simple for how good it looks, making this an accessible move for all skill levels.
Ember Vanish
This is easily one of the most visual coin vanishes you'll ever learn. Performed from the magician's point of view, with the spectator looking over your shoulder, they'll swear they see that coin firmly in your hand before it vanishes!
DG Vanish
Danny's signature retention vanish taught in precise detail. After years of working closely with his students and refining his teaching to help them get the best results, Danny has discovered new drills and exercises that offer you everything you need to truly master this technique. Even if you've learned this move through previous projects, these extra exercises are guaranteed to be a valuable resource in making your DG retention as clean and visual as possible.
Manipulating Light
Danny breaks down the neurological principle that causes your spectator to see a coin between your fingers even after it's already left your hand. Knowing how to use this glitch in the brain is a superpower that every magician should know how to harness. Danny will teach you multiple exercises and drills to fast track your progress and master this technique. Learn how to apply this principle to techniques you're already using and make your magic more deceptive and visual!
Throughout this project you'll learn new ways to simplify your practice routines and develop your dexterity quicker and with more proficiency.
Learn to manipulate light and take your vanishes to the next level with Optical!
“What I am particularly smitten by in all of Danny’s work are his terrific analyses and refinements of foundational coin sleights. Well worth your time and attention.”
- Eric Mead
(World-renowned Magician, author and keynote speaker. Awarded highest prize on Penn and Teller's Fool Us)

10 mindblowing sleights to make your routines more powerful, visual, and deceptive.
$25 value
Video stream or download
Duration: 50 min
Size: 848 MB
If you want to learn some fun creative moves and establish a practice routine that guarantees your growth, then this is for you!
What You'll Learn:
6 vanishes
3 changes
2 productions
A deep dive into the neuroscience of building muscle memory and mastering sleight of hand!
The Moves
As you can see in the trailer above these moves are as visual as it gets. On top of teaching you these moves you will learn about the inspiration behind creating these techniques and how to apply some of these ways of thinking to your own magic. One of Danny's favorite moves in this project is the Twister R.O.P.S move which is his take on the R.O.P.S move from Michael Rubinstein. Hear what Michael had to say:

"...I was very impressed! I think that the Autumn Vanish alone is worth the price of the download, although there are many worthwhile techniques worth exploring. Nice also to see someone come up with the first practical variation of the R.O.P.S. technique in 40 years! You have a true winner with Modus!"
-Michael Rubinstein
(Prolific creator and award winning magician)
The Neuroscience
A deep dive into the neuroscience of building muscle memory! You're going to learn how to structure your practice so that you learn difficult moves more quickly and can execute them smoothly.
When followed properly these techniques are guaranteed to help you grow. In fact it's scientifically proven:
"Just finished my first run through of Modus. I want to jump right to the point. I couldn't wait to hear the practice portion of the project. He talked about delving into the neuroscience of his practice. I was not disappointed! My background includes 14 years of brain and spinal cord research and teaching neuropsychology and the like at UK, Cal State and LSU.
Danny is spot on in all he discusses about building muscle memory and the neurotransmission required to develop it to the level he has. Now, that is a good thing because it does mean if you put the time into it and practice and re-practice with purpose as he discussed (really, slow that stuff down people) you too will develop the timing and control to make it look like Danny does...pure magic! When you explained your method of practice it all made sense watching your work. You get to a point where it happens through memory and not concerted thought. Brilliant understanding of your craft."
-Markus Duke

Modus gives you the skills to build your dexterity and is sure to inspire you to master your craft!
“Danny is a strong force in coin magic! His thinking is creative and fresh.. keep an eye on this guy! ”
- Nicholas Lawrence
(Prolific creator and world class magician)

Pistol Pass
One Sleight! So many uses!
$19 value
Video stream or download
Duration: 57 min
Size: 1 GB
The Pistol Pass is a new type of muscle pass that opens up so many possibilities! Many of these effects look like camera tricks, they're not.
Here's some of what you'll learn:
Pistol Pop Production
An insanely visual production of 1, 2, or 3 coins right at the fingertips.
Glint Production
A way to use the Pistol pop production to make it look like you're pulling a 2nd coin from the shine of the 1st.
Touch Production
A coin instantly appears below the finger as you touch your palm or the table.
Wipe Production
This is one of my favorites. This looks like you simply wipe a coin into existence with 1 finger.
Cobb production
A new way to do the Korn production. No awkward or unmotivated movements. You simply close your hand around your finger tips and a coin appears.
Catch Change
Exactly how it sounds: you toss a coin in the air and it visibly changes as you catch it between your finger tips. This move looks insane!
Pluck change
Another insanely visual change right at the fingertips where the coin transforms as its grabbed from one hand to the other. This one really looks like a camera trick.
Ring Pop Production
You blow into a ring and a coin pops out. Visual and super fun to perform.
Coin Through Glass
A glass is placed on its side and a coin is visually thrown through the bottom of the glass. A new take on a classic idea.
Pistol Shot
The inner child in you will love this! You make a gun with your hand, toss a coin into the air and shoot it (think 'pew pew'), the coin goes flying. This is what we wish would happen when we were kids...now it's a possibility!
This is an absolutely ridiculous routine that you just simply have to see. Words don't do it justice so here's a video performance:

* This routine requires 1 very common coin Gaff and either a karate coin or a bullet coin. This is the only part of this project that requires a gaff.
You're bound to discover new ideas of your own and ways to add it to your routines. The Pistol Pass is truly ammunition for the creative mind!
“Some of the smoothest and softest coin magic I have ever seen. Beautiful to watch.​”
- Doc Eason
(Living legend, 2008 closeup magician of the year, )

Silversmith is a collection of 4 original routines unlike anything you've seen before!
$29 value
Video stream or download
Duration: 93 min
Size: 1.5 GB
What You'll Learn:
Crazy Man’s Coin Cuffs
Worth the price of the entire download alone, this is the project’s signature routine. What can be said... Crazy man’s handcuffs, but with two normal coins. It looks fair, but Danny’s deception allows for one solid coin to phase slowly through the center of another. But it doesnt end there, this routine has a kicker ending that you just cant see coming!
A massive US Dollar coin is pulled magically out of the center of a normal finger ring. pushed backed in, visually changed and changed back. A hyper visual routine layered with deceptive methods.
Split & Splice
A normal dollar is dropped. Whilst in mid-air it splits perfectly in two. Brand new, silver half dollar coins. Unlike humpty-Dumpty, it CAN be put back together again. Showing both hands completely empty. BONUS: Flick the coin into a spectators hand and watch it split in half before it lands. This. gets. reactions.
Atomic Orbiting Coins
Crush coins down to an atomic level. Leaving all the empty space behind. These coins orbit around your body’s gravitational field (presentationally speaking), only to be plucked out of the air, 1 by 1. Becoming solid once more. You'll love this fresh take on the hanging coins plot.
Silversmith will take your coin magic to the next level with these super unique routines.
“Danny offers a new and exciting approach that will change your perspective on coin magic.”
- Eric Jones
(Americas Got Talent Semi-finalist, seen on 'Wizard Wars' and 'Masters of Illusion")

An exploration of 'coins across' that transcends the visual limitations of the plot and adds juicy layers of audible deception.
$25 value
Video stream or download
Duration: 2 Hours
Size: 2 GB
What You'll Learn:
3 different coins fly through the air and into the awaiting hand, 1 by 1, without the hands EVER coming together. It doesn't get cleaner than this!
A 4 coin 'coins across' where the deception is layered with audible tricks, as well as visual. You hear the coins leave the one hand and arrive in the other, but with closed fists and nothing to see. The last coin vanishes so impossibly with COMPLETELY EMPTY HANDS to magically travel to the spectators hand! it just HAS to be magic.
A flawless 3-fly of silver coins that are shown cleanly the entire way through. This routine ends with all 3 coins jumping back ALL AT ONCE! You'll never see a a more deceptive, gimmickless 3-fly.
All 3 routines are completely gimmickless and possible with your choice of coins.
Add juicy levels of sound deception to your coin magic and take it to the next level with Voyage!
“We didn’t know what true wonder was until Danny reached out and showed it to us. Danny performs on another level, he’s not just doing magic, he’s making it.”
- The Daily Magician
(The biggest newsletter in Magic)

And last but not least:

Package Deal
$105 value
Video stream or download
Duration: 3 hours
Size: 2.8 GB
Danny's best selling project Homage plus so much more!
This project is a step by step guide on how to invoke wonder in your audiences through powerful presentation and Danny's homage to the coin magic greats.
Whether you're a beginner in magic or an advanced practitioner, there is so much to get out of this project!
What You'll get:
3 routines
12 ORIGINAL sleights
...and countless invaluable professional secrets gained through a lifetime performing coin magic.
The Routines
Silver Chinese Tiger
Three different coins vanish, reappear...and then vanish again!
This routine is packed with so many magic moments it’ll astound your spectators!
Symphony Silver
A stunning mini ‘coins across’ featuring a concept you don't see enough coin magicians talk about...sound manipulation!
One of Danny's favorite routine of all time... The kicker ending on this is frankly off the charts!
PLUS 12 Original Sleights featuring...
The Counter Balance Retention Vanish-so clean you can watch it again and again and swear the coin never leaves his hand.
But that's not all. You'll also get:
Homage Extras
Danny will teach you a fun transposition effect that looks impossible as well as many extra sleights including vanishes, changes, productions. You're especially going to love the slow motion production. You saw it in the full trailer. That was not CGI!!
A Talk on Theory
Danny will also be giving a 20 minute talk on presentational theory and what makes our magic magical! You will learn about:
Tension and relaxation
Proper motivation
How to win over the skeptics
Why doesn't your coin magic get reactions?
What is magic and how do we invite our spectators to experience it?
But we're not done yet!
The Package deal includes:
The Palm Transition Masterclass
Drills are Danny's secret weapon to making his sleights look so natural and smooth that you’ll swear they’re invisible. You can practice them anytime, anywhere, and just doing them once per day will have a huge impact on your skill! In this video you’ll discover Danny's personal go-to coin drill, plus a really cool vanish you can perform with it!
- ($15 value)
Mastering Angles
Card legend Aaron Fisher once said Danny had “a gift for making visual magic PRACTICAL.”
In this special bonus training, he'll share the secrets behind practicing ‘the angles’, including what you need to know to ensure no one EVER sees a thing.
NOTE: This comes exclusively from Danny's private lessons, and the material is literally priceless. – ($15 value)
Sightless Sound
A NEW TWO COIN routine that will melt your eyes and astonish your ears. This has never been taught ANYWHERE before. – ($20 value)
Daily Dose of Iron
When they see you vanish, produce and EAT A JUMBO COIN and then REPRODUCE IT—your audience simply will not believe their eyes! Danny has never taught this anywhere else!!! – ($20 value)
See it here:

With The Homage Package Deal you'll be arming yourself with a wealth of sleights, exercises, and knowledge to truly master the art of coin magic!
“Goldsmith’s coin work is Phenomenal. Destined to be amongst greatest. And he’s just getting started.”
- Joshua Messado
Actor and World Class Magician

“There are some magicians with amazing technique, there are others who stand out for their creativity, there are others with sensitivity and respect for magic and then there is Danny who has all those qualities together.”
- Mario Lopez
World renowned Magician. Fooled Penn and Teller with his nipple.​

Own all of this when you purchase this collection of Danny Goldsmith's published works!
A $256 value for only $170!
7 Projects. Over 11 hours of epic material!
You won't find a greater coin magic masterclass anywhere else!