Free Tutorials

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Gift 1: Free Lecture
Danny’s going to teach you:
One of the most deceptive retention vanishes you’ll ever see, plus how to fix 3 bad habits that 99.99% of magicians have when it comes to this move.
The neuroscience of creating new habits while simultaneously breaking down bad ones–scientifically proven methods to increase your dexterity and make you a better magician.
The importance of presentation and how to impact your audience, leaving them in a lasting state of wonder.
Gift 2: Free Lecture/Interview with Craig Petty
Here Danny teaches:
The real work on angles–drills and exercises to increase your confidence in performing super visual magic!
How to connect deeply with your audience through understanding the psychology of wonder and the mind of your spectator.
And so much more practical theory to make your magic great and offer something truly valuable to your audience.
Gift 3: …Well, we’ll leave that part a surprise…