Magic Mastery

Is Magic Mastery a good fit for you? Listen to this:

We honestly feel this is the highest quality membership experience in magic. From original creative sleights and routines to an interactive community that is kind and supportive, this is a place where you can learn, grow, connect and have fun!
I'm excited to tell you more about Magic Mastery
Lets start with the name:
What do we mean when we say Magic Mastery? We all know the felt experience of Magic--wonder, astonishment, whatever you may call it, this feeling is beyond words. It's that state that we deeply appreciate when we experience a great magic trick, it's why we became magicians in the first place. It's also what we wish to offer to our audience members.
When we say Mastery, we don't mean perfecting every single sleight. We mean directing our minds towards the pursuit of truly understanding the state of magic--how to infuse it in our lives and offer it to our audience. We believe this is accomplished through the study of high quality teachings and the support of a community that also embodies these principles.
We wanted to provide a place where you can get the best content and best teaching for wherever you are on your magic journey.
Are you looking for insanely creative coin magic suited to all skill levels? (we've got you covered!)
Just want to study card magic or the memorized deck? (We’ve got all the content you could need!)
Don’t want to learn anything new but need help with theory? (we’ve got your back!)
Need a community to surround and uplift you (you’re instantly going to feel right at home)
We believe the content we’re giving you here is cutting edge. Our best secrets. Our best material. All our energy goes into making this one of the most innovative communities in magic.
Here, we know our members by name. We respect you and want you to feel supported and engaged on your magic journey!
That being said, here are the three pillars that make up Magic Mastery:
1. The Community

Our Community Features:
2 weekly meetings (video calls) that will happen WITHOUT fail. Jump on calls with the community and hangout live with Danny Goldsmith and Steven Bridges (these guys are always working hands on with their members. Personal lessons has never been this affordable!).
An exclusive Facebook page where you can make friends with like-minded magicians, share your discoveries, and get personal tutorship from some of the greatest magicians alive.
Regular discounts on products from the biggest magic brands and independent artists (such as Vanishing Inc, our own work and more!)
Our Communal Vision:
These are the words of Steven Bridges, a famous YouTube presence and our friendly community manager:
I started performing magic when I was 10 years old.
And I think like everyone that starts magic, I was very passionate, and also had a lot of questions.
So I’d go on magic forums and ask for advice.
And I was really taken back with just how unpleasant people could be. I’d be patronised for asking stupid questions, there’d be a lot of arrogance, or dismissal of my ideas.
Which is totally not what you need when you’re trying to grow.
The whole thing genuinely put me off being friends with magicians for a while.
But after performing magic for 20 years, I set out to change that.
And I managed to create a magic community of supportive magicians, that actually try and help each other improve. There’s no ego’s or status games, just nice people, all sharing their passion for magic.
2. The Methods (Effects, Sleights, Routines and Courses!)

In terms of methods and effects - you’re in for a treat!
Wherever you are in your magic journey we have a place for you! We won’t just throw effects at you, but help you on your path.
From Danny Goldsmith (everything you could need to pick up coin magic, or continue your advancement!)
Here’s just a small part of everything you’ll be getting from him…
An exclusive beginners coin magic course with Danny's own creative touches and nuances (which we feel is the SINGLE BEST WAY for any magician to start coin magic!)
An exclusive advanced coin magic course (for coin magicians who want to take their work to the next level)
Countless original moves and sleights such as the ‘M&M change’ a fun visual change that you can do with M&M’s, coins, and rings.
Some of Danny's best original routines not taught anywhere else
Danny's work with cards. Something rarely seen but greatly respected
From Steven Bridges (card, mentalism and coin routines that have been tried and tested on the streets, casinos and more!)
Here’s just a small part of everything you’ll be getting from him…
Option 100 - Steven's signature mentalism effect that leading UK mentalist, Ken Dyne said was, "... a brilliant, disarming and totally fair-looking selection method."
The Victory Shuffle - Steven's best-selling release of all time. A false overhand shuffle that looks just like the real thing.
The Overhand Shuffle Sleights Course - A full, half an hour course giving a deep dive on overhand shuffle sleights. (Including a tiny pinky adjustment that will help with almost every overhand shuffle sleight you use)
Skip Track (a routine he kept hidden FOR YEARS, that magicians all over the world have started using as their killer opener!)
From The Daily Magician (focused on the memorized deck - the greatest tool in card magic!)
Here’s just a small part of everything you’ll be getting from them…
‘The Babylon Secret’ (a 2 hours and 51 minutes long piece of training that will open a whole new world of magic, and make every effect you currently perform…instantly stronger!)
A growing library of ORIGINAL memorized deck effects (such as a master class on A.C.A.A.N. and a course on weighing the cards!)
Besides the memorized deck, a library contributions from magicians such as Andrew Frost, Christian Grace, Ollie Mealing, and more…
3. The Mindset
As Dai Vernon said:
“Want to be an interesting magician? Become an interesting person!”
As part of Magic Mastery we want to invite you to join in our deepest thoughts and exploration so that you can discover your inherent uniqueness and master becoming your magical self.
Every Friday, we send you a ‘Thinking Differently Essay’ as part of your weekly email.
The ‘Thinking Differently Essay’ email will highlight a dazzling insight we picked up during our studies during the week.
It might be something we learned from $2000-a-ticket value marketing seminars, something we picked up from the autobiography of a world leader, or perhaps even something one of our own ‘in-house’ Inner Circle members sent in!
Either way, we want to give you a new philosophy for approaching magic (and life) that could potentially 10x your magic skills and understanding.
For reference… each email will also more or less feature:
1 Piece of Theory Training (including audio training, essays, video breakdowns and more!)
1 Effect, Sleight, Course or Routine (from Steven, The Daily Magician, Danny or one of our friends such as Ollie Mealing)
1 ‘Thinking Differently essay’ (an essay where we take an lesson from outside of magic and explain how it can apply and improve your skillsets in life and performance!)
Community Updates (learn how your fellow members are doing, and join in their discussion!)
1 ‘Deal of the Week’ (claim your discounts on desperately sought after magic!)
But we don't want to tell you whats best for you so each email will also be personalized based off of OUR interests. This way you're always seeing the types of Magic that YOU love.
As you can see there’s a lot on offer.
We could have made this upwards of $50 like many other memberships have done.
But instead it’s just $24 a month, That's $0.80 a day!
(that’s much less than a good cup of coffee…)
This price includes:
Personal mentorship
Full courses
Effects totaling $1000+
Mindset training
A vibrant community
Plus, as with everything we do, if after 30 days you haven’t enjoyed your experience, simply drop us a line and we’ll refund you your money.
But we highly doubt that will be the case.